Hair Loss 101

"Telogen effluvierrrrm and minoxawhat now?"

The first time you Google ‘hair loss’ and what you can do about it, the results can look pretty overwhelming. The good news is that at Dense, we're here to help you make sense of it all so that you can find something personalised that works for you.

Reasons for hair loss

As you may already know, so many factors can cause us to lose our hair. These factors include medication, poor nutrition and high stress levels. However, the most common is genetic hair loss, a natural condition caused by hormones, genetics, and ageing. Something to remember is that some people experience hair loss more than others, and some don't experience it at all. We're all unique!

All genders will all notice hair loss or hair thinning as they age, and even though this is a fact, there are things we can do along the way to delay and minimise the process.

For further hair loss reading:

How does hair loss happen?

Shedding strands of hair should never be a cause for alarm; it's natural. Like other parts of us, such as our skin and nails, our hair grows and sheds in cycles.

Hair usually grows just half an inch a month (about 6 inches a year). Human hair growth and shedding are random and don't stick to a seasonal cycle (unlike other mammals).

Every human hair growth cycle produces shorter, more fragile, much less visible hair than the last. And even though genetics, hormones and age can all play a part in hair loss, we now know many ways to improve the hair cycle and slow down the thinning and loss of hair.

Hair cycles

To understand why we may experience hair loss, it’s a good idea to understand the basics of our hair cycles when they’re in full working order.

To simplify, here are the three main stages of hair cycles:

  1. GROW The anagen phase is the beginning of the hair cycle and is also known as 'the growth phase' when our scalps produce new hair. During this growth phase, the hair follicle gets nourishment from the blood supply, enabling hair growth.
  2. TRANSITION The catagen phase or 'the transition phase' is when those new strands of hair stop growing and detach from the blood supply (ready for the next strand to grow beneath it eventually).
  3. REST The telogen phase is also known as 'the shedding phase'. During this phase, the follicle is entirely at rest and will do so for around 100 days before the cycle begins again, with a brand new hair forming that pushes this one out to make way for the next one to grow.

Want to understand more about hair cycles? Here’s some reputable studies to read up on.

Types of hairloss

Below we’ve listed the main areas of hair loss that people experience. Most of the time it’s not obvious to know which of the underlying reasons is causing us to lose our hair, so it’s best to speak to an expert to get advice first.

Androgenic Alopecia

"An·dro·gen·ic - a·luh·pee·shee·uh"

Genetics is the most common cause of hair loss in men in particular. Genetic/hereditary hair loss (or male pattern baldness as it's sometimes known) accounts for 95% of hair loss in men and can come from either your mother or father's side.

You may have noticed other family member's hair thinning and saw yours following a similar pattern to theirs - this isn't to say that you'll follow the same way; your hair loss may prove to be less or more.

This type of hair loss has no cure, though using Dense products that are personalised to you can help to slow down and, in some cases, reverse genetic hair loss.

Want to understand more about types of hair loss? Here’s some reputable links to read up on:


“Tell·oh·gen - ef·flew·vee·um”

When there's an increase in the number of hairs shed each day, we call it 'telogen effluvium’, which is when more hair than usual shifts from the growing phase (anagen) to the shedding phase (telogen). Usually, only 10% of the scalp hair is in the telogen phase, but this increases to 30% or more in telogen effluvium.

This change can happen suddenly and occur approximately three months after a trigger such as stress, medication, or drastic diet changes.

Want to understand more about types of hair loss? Here’s some reputable links to read up on:


“A·luh·pee·shee·uh - ah·ree·ah·ter”

Another type of hair loss is 'alopecia areata', an auto-immune disorder that causes patches or complete hair loss. Alopecia areata causes hair to come out, often in sizable clumps. The amount of hair loss is different for everyone. Some people lose it in a few spots, whereas others lose a lot more. Sometimes, hair grows back but falls out again later, yet, in others, hair grows back for good. Everyone is different.

Unfortunately, there's currently no cure for alopecia areata, but there are treatments that may help hair grow back and prevent future hair loss, as well as ways to cover up the loss of hair.

Want to understand more about types of hair loss? Here’s some reputable links to read up on:


“Track·shun - a·luh·pee·shee·uh”

Nearly everyone likes to style their hair (whether your preference is daily or every now and then). However, tight ponytails, styling your hair back in a bun, hair extensions, cornrows, and tight headbands can all pull on your hair, resulting in hair loss that can lead to a condition known as 'traction alopecia'.

The first sign of this condition is little bumps on your scalp that look like spots. As the condition progresses, you'll notice broken or even missing hairs (the front and sides of your scalp are often affected, but traction alopecia isn't limited to these areas). You can reverse traction alopecia by opting for hairstyles that put less tension on your hair, but this intervention must come sooner rather than later to prevent permanent hair loss.

Want to understand more about types of hair loss? Here’s some reputable links to read up on:

Risk factors

Along with the causes of hair loss mentioned above, many other factors can increase your risk of hair loss, including:

  • A family history of hair loss
  • Age
  • Significant weight loss
  • Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes and lupus
  • Stress
  • Lack of nutrition

Why not try out our DIY DNA Test Kit to find out all about your unique hair genetics?

Want to understand how risk factors contribute to hair loss? Here’s some reputable links to read up on:

Quick facts about hair loss

  • Male pattern baldness affects up to one-third of men under 30 and can start as early as the teenage years
  • 40% of men will show noticeable hair loss by the age of 35
  • Hereditary hair loss can come from either side of your family
  • By the age of 60, 65% of men will experience hair loss


There are many ways to treat hair loss, depending on where you're at on your journey. Take a look below to see where you are at and how Dense can help!


Studies show that diet can impact every cell in our body, including the hairs on our heads. If you have zero issues with your hair and want to keep it looking just as it is now, then bio vitamins can be a great way to get the proper nutrients into your body to maintain the healthy locks you already have.

Stress management

Stress is another factor that can play a big part in the hair loss journey. We offer lots of advice and expert views on what you can do to prevent and treat hair loss, as well as all of the ways you can stay healthy and mentally strong in our Clubhouse area. If you're noticing thinning, then we have a range of sprays that revive the thickness of your hair.

Want to understand how stress can contribute to hair loss? Here’s some reputable links to read up on:

Scalp care

A healthy scalp may not promise you a full head of hair, but a poorly managed scalp has been linked to premature hair loss and poor hair growth. We need to ensure that we also focus on maintaining a clean healthy scalp to provide the optimal environment for your hair follicles to thrive. Studies have shown there is a direct link between hair quality and scalp health where poor scalp health has been linked to weak fragile hair.

Not all is lost, the quality of hair should return back to normal providing a clean healthy scalp condition is established. Dense has you covered with our daily growth shampoo, active growth styling paste and styling salt spray, they all contain active ingredients which are scientifically proven to promote good scalp conditions.

Want to understand how scalp conditions can contribute to hair loss? Here’s some reputable links to read up on:

Prescriptive Solutions

If you're at the stage where you're losing hair around the hairline or crown, then there could be a medical solution that's right for you.

You've probably read up on hair transplants already, and even though this is something we offer at our clinic, there are other medical options to consider beforehand. Explore our prescriptive solutions and take our free consultation to find out which solution works best for you. Our prescription range includes active ingredients and potencies that suit your needs so get in touch and our hair mentors and pharmacists will work with you to find the best solution.

If you are not keen on applying a medicine to your scalp then we also have naturally derived treatments, these are great stepping stones into the world of hair loss prevention. You may also want to discover how a simple DNA test can give us the answers we need to get you back on track.

Hair Transplants

If you have lost your hairline or crown and are looking at the option of transplanting new hairs to restore your hair to its former glory, we have a solution for you. We always recommend you get a free consultation with Juvida Clinics - GHP’s UK’s Most Trusted Hair Transplant clinic. Juvida Clinics, who also won the coveted Artas Clinical Centre of excellence award pride themself of providing unique and bespoke treatment plans which best suit patients long term hair goals. Their holistic ethical approach to hair transplants have catapulted them not only as one of best hair transplants in the UK but in the world, With hundreds of men and women in the UK and from around the world putting their faith and trust to restore their hair and confidence.

Remember, having surgery is not something you should take lightly. Doing thorough research is critical and choosing a clinic which not only gives you amazing results but understand the management of hair loss can be a lifelong process and not just a quick fix is essential.

If you are considering a hair transplant click the link to book your free consultation with Juvida. P.s if you do go down the hair transplant path, our Dense products are ideal to maintain your new locks so ask your Juvida practitioner on their recommendation for aftercare.


Here at Dense we will try our very best to give you as many options to maintain your hair as long as possible. But if you get to the point where you feel shaving it all off will be best for your hair loss journey then we can still support you. Again, if you have got to a point where you feel shaving your hair is the only option, then you may want to grow incognito. Did you know our products work just as well on short/ shaved hair. We have developed a series of medical and optimised hair care products which get to work deep at the root of your follicles. Some of our products have been designed to thicken weak thin hair and we have further revolutionised hair growth by developing products which can reactivate dormant hair follicles. Give it a go, you have got nothing to lose!

Check out the Clubhouse with tips on managing your scalp skin.

How Dense works